Monday, April 21, 2008

Welcome to the Terrordome!

Hi! I'm, Andrew. Who the hell are you? Rhetorical question, you don't have to answer. After seeing some cool guys blogging I figured I should give it a shot. Over the coming weeks it is my goal to utilize the internet's ability to publish anyone's opinion and start getting my message out there. What my message is? Well, that's the tricky part. I know I'll be talking nerd business (movies and comics mostly) and trying to flaunt what passes for my sense of humor. The latter may prove to be dangerous because as my father told me "They can't all be winners kid."

I guess some introductions are in order. I am a college freshman in California with the high hopes of becoming a filmmaker. That has been a goal of mine since I was six years old when I was introduced to the cinematic masterpeice that is: GODZILLA. Ever since then I have been writing movie scripts, making as many student films as I can in an attempt to build a note worthy portfolio. (I'll occasionally upload a link to my stuff on youtube.)

I'm something of a history buff and monstrous Andrew Jackson fanatic.

I am a comic nerd to the core. I grew up reading them and never really moved on. I guess you could call me a "Marvel Zombie" but I am slowley making the transition to the Indie scene with the likes of "The Boys," "The Goon," and "Criminal."

It's my hope that I can get a few reviews of movies and comics out in the following weeks since I usually have a pretty high


That's pretty much it for now...I just wanted to get started. More to come.

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